Author: marketing

For the past decade the tech industry has experienced consistent progress and growth despite an economy of decreasing job stability. In an ever-changing and innovative industry, it’s hard to imagine finding a place for oneself in the endless possibilities of job opportunities. Everyone has heard of the fun laid-back offices filled with ping-pong tables, virtual...

Author: Brandon Hare, Software Engineer The impression of remote work often conjures up images of lounging on the couch or on the beach with a laptop. While working remotely does often provide a ton of flexibility and freedom, at the end of the day, you still need to get the job done. Throughout my career, I’ve...

Learning to code is one of the most advantageous and rewarding skill sets to have in todays technological world. Whether you're new to code or you're a pro, everyone has their own story of what drew them to coding, how they learned it, and what inspires them to keep going. Tyler Woolley is a Senior...

Code can get messy, confusing, and costly! Clean Code is the practice of writing human-readable code that is simple and maintainable. Come learn some coding best practices! ...