SC Codes is much more than a platform for learning to code. It’s a supportive community made up of people, companies and organizations committed to helping connect, train and empower programmers across our state. This group cares about individuals and about creating a stronger, more innovative and better prepared technical workforce in South Carolina, because we know that a ready workforce means more opportunity, stronger communities, and an attractive economy.
Whether you’re a professional programmer, part of the technology or innovation industry, or interested in being part of our SC Codes movement, we want you! We’re always looking to expand our network of on-the-ground partners who can provide access to the SC Codes platform on computers, host local events, or otherwise support our mission.
We have partners and mentors in communities across the state who want to help South Carolinians learn to code and join the industry. SC Codes will connect students who complete a set of curriculum to the “best next step” along the SC Codes path. For some, that will be direct employment, for others that may be engaging with a local partner for training/education, internships or apprenticeships, or other local resources.